Forget the last time you changed your filter? Or cleaned your cover? Not to worry! Most of our spas give automatic reminder messages that appear on your spa’s Topside and come with Spa Status LED displays. These are both convenient ways to ensure you are following the recommended maintenance schedules in order to preserve your spa’s longevity.
The following will go over the different reminders and LED colours that may appear and what they mean.
Please note that reminder messages pop up based on an internal timer. The system does NOT actually sense pH levels, filter condition, water chemistry etc. If you have already completed the recommended service that has popped up, press and hold the Temp Up or Temp Down button for 5 seconds to dismiss the message. If another reminder appears, you can dismiss it the same way.
*Gander and Muskoka Spas only have 2 reminders: CHEK pH, CHNG FLTR
CLN COVR – Clean your spa’s cover (top and underside) with a solution of mild soap and water. Avoid any strong detergents as this may affect your spa’s chemistry.
CHECK CHEM – Check your spa’s water chemistry. Chemical levels should be tested regularly to ensure your water is balanced and sanitized. If you use your spa multiple times a week, it is best to test your water daily. Otherwise, test weekly. Click HERE for a guide on how to maintain your spa’s chemistry.
CHECK PH – Low Alkalinity and imbalanced pH can lead to corrosive water. Regularly check your pH level as acidic water can damage spa parts, such as jets and headrests.
CHNG FLTR - Change the filter. We recommend changing your filter/set of filters every 3-4 months. For your convenience, we offer a filter subscription service so you don’t have to keep track of when to order them.
CLN FLTER – Clean the filter. Put your filter(s) in the spa water when you are using Spa Flush before draining your water. Alternatively, you can remove them and rinse them off with a hose.
TEST GFCI - Test the GFCI breaker/plug. If your spa is hardwired to an external GFCI breaker, simply press the test button. If the spa turns off, the GFCI breaker is functional. For Plug & Play spas, please see our solution HERE.
CHECK OZ (E047) - Check your spa’s Ozonator. Click HERE to see detailed instructions.
SRVC CHECK (E048) - It is time for a service check-up. It is recommended that you have the spa inspected by an authorized Service Technician to ensure your spa is in working order. Please note, this feature is based on an internal sensor.
Your hot tub’s Spa Status LED display is the external light-up logo that comes on all of our newer spas (excluding portable spas). This feature lets you check the status of your spa from afar, which is a great feature for cold winters. Each colour corresponds to the status of your spa:

These features are built-in to make caring for your spa easy. If you need to troubleshoot your spa or have any further questions, you can contact our Customer Care Team here:
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